Wednesday, December 28

Of Relationship and Trust

The basis of a good relationship is trust, if you cannot trust others, why bother going into a relationship? And this relationship with Allah pun is based on trust, He entrusted us a job yang magnitude dia akan hancurkan gunung. And He trusts us of being able to do it, if not He would've not given it in the first place, kan?

They say it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. Maybe, that's relevant between us human, but not for Allah. For Allah, it takes just seconds to build up trust, and it takes you a lifetime to destroy it.

Allah, so Merciful and Compassionate as He is, gives us a lifetime of trust for us to complete our responsibilities, though time and time again we failed Him, He is never a step farther away from us, and when He said He'll be there for us, He meant every word He said. So, why worry? Shouldn't we trust the One who's most trusted? Glory be to Him and to Him only.

And Allah, so Penyayang dan Pengampunnya Dia, bagi kita beberapa saat je for us to make tawbah if we want to, and as He said, He loves those who repent. You and I, we are prone to making mistakes, but berapa banyak je dari kita yang fight the nafs and shaitan, to make tawbah towards Allah? Kadang-kadang kita buat salah, and we feel 'hmm, it's okay kot', or 'alah, sikit je. takpe kot', or even 'jap lagi solat aku mintak ampun la'. and how many many times manusia itu tak sempat bertawbat, and that can only mean one thing, that He has lost His trust on us.

Maha Suci Allah dari apa yang manusia persekutukan, kita kadang-kadang tak sedar, kita ni syok sendiri, kita buat apa yang kita please, kita buat apa yang kita rasa betul, without trying to find out whether its right or its wrong. Manusia keramaiannya suka untuk memleasekan diri sendiri, selfish. Apa yang dia kesah ialah hak dia sahaja tanpa memikirkan haknya terhadap orang lain. Relationship often turn sour bila kita start meminta rights kita. Instead of giving and completing our rights towards others, people are starting to ask their rights towards us, so before that happens, before dekat hari kiamat nanti people datang depan Allah and say, ya Allah, this fulan, he knows the truth, but he didn't share it with us. Ha, time tu, menggelabah la kan dah boss start tanya posmen2nya, posto-posto dah sudah hantar?"

Sungguhnya kebahagiaan rumahtangga itu bergantung kepada sejauh mana harmoninya si suami dan isteri serta anak-anak dan ibu ayah mereka. It cannot be capai without trust. Same goes to kebahagiaan kita di dunia dan di akhirat, bergantung pada redhanya Allah pada kita. Gain His trust, so He can be please with us and let us enter jannah.

Sungguh, tak ada apa yang semua manusia nak atas dunia ni, regardless of their religion, other than nak masuk syurga. Tanyalah orang kristian, diorang nak masuk syurga, orang buddha, even orang yang tak religious and pious pun, tanya mana-mana artis yang seksi seksa tu, semua nak masuk syurga. Dan sungguh beruntunglah kita, yang ada on the right track untuk ke syurga ni. Keep it up guys! We're almost there.

O Allah, I beg for Your mercy and forgive our sins, jauhkan dari kami api neraka, pertemukan kami dalam syurga, for there's no God but You only. Ameen.

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