Thursday, January 7

Wake up, Wake up man.


Why the frown face?


Chill la bro~


Hey, it's not the end of the world la.


Eh come on la, we won't be 'here' for so long.
You got what, 30 40 years to live?
Silap2 esok dah masuk dalam kain kapan.
Tak lama dah lagi.
Come, get up get up.


You know everyone is heading for Jannah..ops.
no, everyone heading for Hell.

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk isi neraka Jahannam kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, ..." (7:179)

Yes, everyone, is heading for Hell.


".. mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat-ayat Allah). Mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai."

Then, who's going to heaven?

Me, you?

Those who wants to go to heaven, will go to heaven.

I mean, those who realllyyyy wants it. Why 'realllyyyy'??

Because it's not easy.

"Kalau yang kamu serukan kepada mereka itu keuntungan yang mudah diperoleh dan perjalanan yang tidak berapa jauh, pastilah mereka mengikutimu, tetapi tempat yang dituju itu amat jauh terasa oleh mereka,.."

Keuntungan apa? Of course it's syurga.

"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang yang beriman akan jiwa mereka dan harta benda mereka dengan (balasan) bahawa mereka akan beroleh Syurga, (disebabkan) mereka berjuang pada jalan Allah maka (di antara) mereka ada yang membunuh dan terbunuh. (Balasan Syurga yang demikian ialah) sebagai janji yang benar yang ditetapkan oleh Allah di dalam (Kitab-kitab) Taurat dan Injil serta Al-Quran dan siapakah lagi yang lebih menyempurnakan janjinya daripada Allah? Oleh itu, bergembiralah dengan jualan yang kamu jalankan jual belinya itu dan (ketahuilah bahawa) jual beli (yang seperti itu) ialah kemenangan yang besar."

Siapakah 'mereka' ini?

"(Mereka itu ialah): Orang-orang yang bertaubat, yang beribadat, yang memuji Allah, yang mengembara (untuk menuntut ilmu dan mengembangkan Islam), yang rukuk, yang sujud, yang menyuruh berbuat kebaikan dan yang melarang daripada kejahatan, serta yang menjaga batas-batas hukum Allah dan gembirakanlah orang-orang yang beriman (yang bersifat demikian)."

and of course,  "..mereka akan beroleh Syurga, (disebabkan) mereka berjuang pada jalan Allah," (9:111)

Dan gembirakanlah orang-orang yang beriman. 

So, orang beriman sedih tak? 

Tak kan?

So why the :( face?

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang mu'min, orang-orang Yahudi, orang-orang Nasrani dan orang-orang Shabiin , siapa saja di antara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah , hari kemudian dan beramal saleh , mereka akan menerima pahala dari Tuhan mereka, tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka, dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati."

Sebab apa? Sebab mereka BENAR-BENAR beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Kemudian.

What's the significant of really believing in Allah and the Day of Judgement?

When you really believe in Allah, all your action is guided by His Words and all your intentions only for Him.
When you truly understand what God is, that you are His slave and that He's The Master of all things, then only you understand that you owe Him everything you have. I mean everything, your body, your soul, your life, your expertise, your family, your lover, your children, your happiness, your time, your wealth, your health. Everything is from Him and when you understand that He created you, you have to acknowledge that He knows your capabilities, that He knows what you think, what you do, that He understands you more than anyone else do. After you acknowledge this, then only you can feel His Love because if He doesn't give you some of His massive Knowledge, you know nothing about the world, about your feelings, about yourself and about others. And then only you understand that without Islam, you are nothing.

Think about this.

Imagine that our Galaxy is the size of one sand. The Universe is the beaches around the world. How big is that? The Earth compared to our solar System is just a piece of Tennis ball in a football pitch, and to travel from Manchester to Glasgow took 4-5 hours (if there's no heavy snow). What about travelling to Mars? Let alone travelling to another galaxy. What I mean is how insignificant we are in this Universe. We are nothing really. What harm do you do to the world/the Universe if you're not here?

Devide 1 over 6,000,000,000 people X 100%, what do you get? Almost 0% isn't it?
That's how insignificant you are.

and to compare you over all the souls along the human line down to Adam A.S.
Subhanallah. How insignificant we are really.

But yet, Allah up you with a few syarat.

"Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang ma'ruf, dan mencegah dari yang mungkar, dan beriman kepada Allah. Sekiranya Ahli Kitab beriman, tentulah itu lebih baik bagi mereka; di antara mereka ada yang beriman, dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik."

But that's for those who do amar ma'ruf and nahi munkar and believe in Allah.

Britney Spears feels that she's the Queen of the Pop. Hmph, what's her worth in front of Allah?
We adore CR9 for his skills in football. I ask you, what's his worth in front of Allah?
Taj Mahal has been one of the wonders of the world for long long time. What's its worth in front of Allah?
You feel that you're clever enough, you're good enough not to be talk to/listen to words of Allah. What's your worth in front of Allah?

Yet we still feel arrogant.


Allah equipped us with everything to lead the world, rule the Earth, but what do we do with our brain, our knowledge, our skills, our expertise, our debating talent, our strong body, our peace of mind, our wisdom, do you use all of your body and soul in favour of Allah? Or you try your best to feel ignorant about Allah and just do your thing according to your own views because you know yourself better than anyone else?
Hey come on, what's the point of all this. What's the point of doing things which favour your needs/your greed.

What's the point of having everything you want (harta, pakwe, makwe, isteri, suami, kawan2 yg ramai, populariti, kerja, gaji tinggi, pangkat, kereta, rumah, anak-anak, iPhone, Blackberry, Mp4, PS3, guitar skills, piano skills, whatever it is) when in reality, you do not own a thing, you do not have any shares for Hereafter.

Yes Allah gives you talents, wealth, health, looks, and everything you are to test you.

"Maka apabila manusia ditimpa bahaya ia menyeru Kami, kemudian apabila Kami berikan kepadanya ni'mat dari Kami ia berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku diberi ni'mat itu hanyalah karena kepintaranku". Sebenarnya itu adalah ujian , tetapi kebanyakan mereka itu tidak mengetahui."

What will you do with it? Is it for Allah? Or for you yourself?

Ask yourself tonight, before you sleep, what do you want in this life?
Come on, ask yourself tonight. What do you really want in this life?
And tell me. Can it lead you to His Blessings that will allow you to enter Jannah?

Or you just want to be a part of this doomed world?

People who don't really listen to His Words, people who just follow their own heart without ever knowing how they will survive the Hellfire later on,
people who sacrifice their life just for the sake of music,
people who're willing to work all day and all night just to seek wealth and happy life,
people who think they're cool doing things like they know what they're doing and we foolishly follow them,
people who sacrifice their hearts just for the sake of love?
How matured can you call this people?
Looking for the dunia and not bother for the hereafter, when we know just now that these world is insignificant really.

Look at the reality of the world. Wake up. Wake up man.

Look at how new born baby thanks to the haram sexual intercourse increase day by day.
Look at how people killing each other just for the sake of a piece of land, or woman, or tribes or just stupid insignificant things.
Look at how low people can be to earn money until they're willing to offer their bodies for the sake of living.
Look at the Arab World, there are 400 millions Muslims yet they could not even jentik Israel.
Look at how unmannerly inhumanly the Emiratis spend $1 Billion to build the Burj Khalifa when they can donate the money for the sake of their Palestinian brothers, to recover Palestine, to help those Muslims who're in need in Kashmir, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Africa, and many parts of the world?
Look at how we're been fooled by the Mind War played by the kuffar? All the entertainment, the football, the music, the movies, the love, the money, the wealth, the dunia that they promote in order to distance us from Allah and Islam itself, have you realised this?
Look at how many, how many kuffar is? How many people who do not believe in Allah is?
Look at ourself. Please, look at ourself, are we destined for Jannah?
And yet we still fooling around like a mad man looking for the 'worldly' stuff just to feed our greediness?
Have you not seen enough already? Have you not heard enough already?

Wake up. Wake up man.

The hellfire's raging and burning waiting for those who disbelieve and those wrongdoers who's still fast as sleep in a burning home called the Earth.

"Dan bagi orang-orang yang kufur ingkar terhadap Tuhan mereka, disediakan azab Neraka Jahannam dan itulah seburuk-buruk tempat kembali.
Apabila mereka dicampakkan ke dalamnya, mereka mendengar suara jeritannya meraung-raung, sedang ia menggelegak.
Hampir-hampir ia pecah berkecai-kecai kerana kuat marahnya. Tiap-tiap kali dicampakkan ke dalamnya sekumpulan besar (dari orang kafir), bertanyalah penjaga-penjaga Neraka itu kepada mereka: Tidakkah kamu pernah didatangi seorang Rasul pemberi ingatan dan amaran (di dunia dahulu)?"

Wake up. Wake yourself up man.

Before it's too late. Before you can never wake up again.

"Dan jika kamu (Muhammad) melihat ketika mereka dihadapkan ke neraka, lalu mereka berkata: "Kiranya kami dikembalikan (ke dunia) dan tidak mendustakan ayat-ayat Tuhan kami, serta menjadi orang-orang yang beriman", (tentulah kamu melihat suatu peristiwa yang mengharukan)."


May Allah give us His Nur, I ask Allah to open our heart to receive His Hidayah and never to take it away from us when we receive it.
I ask Allah to forgive us, forgive our wrongdoings for long as we live, forgive our fathers and mothers, our families and friends, muslimin wa muslimat.
I ask Allah to open our heart to receive Islam wholeheartedly and to help those Muslims in need in every part of the sickening world.
I ask Allah to help us change, help us change for the better of ourself, so that we can avoid the torment of hell fire and grant us Jannah with His Rahmah.

Wake up, Wake up Man.


airkelape said...

thanx for the wake up call....memang best....terbayek.....moge keinsafan ini berpanjangan...

greenyfez said...

jzkk atas peringatan :)