Alhamdulillah. I started this entry with alhamdulillah because really we owe Allah plentiful, in fact everything we have today, are courtesy from Him, be it we are dealing with difficulties or we are enjoying our success after much hard works and pengorbanan we did.
What we are today are pretty much what we did yesterday, what we will be tomorrow is what we're doing at this very moment. This resort to the fact that we are related to our past. Now, not everyone ada a good track record in their life, just take a look at our posts in Facebook and Twitter, and try classifying them to the two; one that can bring you closer to jannah, and one that does nothing (nothing meaning buang masa and buang masa is rugi and rugi is not safe from hellfire).
Some of us ada yang dulu pernah bercouple and we once are proud of it, not knowing how wrong it is (those yang tengah dalam couple ni maybe tak rasa yet) but the kegelisahan and keresahan yang kita lalui hari-hari tu (although we are happy when being with him/her, kadang-kadang, banyak masa bergaduh je) are kind of indications that we're not doing the right thing.
Allah said, "only in remembering Him that we attain peace." If we are doing things yang against His will, memang we'll never attain serenity in our life.
Kebahagiaan yang plastik? Yes of course, macam those people yg try to escape from their problems by drinking and clubbing, do they look happy enjoying themselves at that moment? Yes they certainly do, but berapa lama can it last, a night at most. Pagi esok tu they are filled, yet again, with bertubi-tubi masalah.
Or those yang go and watch movies at times of stresss. or shopping, or sleeping, terus menerus tidur sebab tak nak fikir masalah hidup dia. Diorang maybe tak perasan yang diorang tengah cuba escape from the problems or tests yang they are dealing with. People call it escapism. I call it, cuba menjadi pelarian.
Serius hidup ini memang akan penuh dengan masalah, of course it is, or else it wont be called life. Life is indeed nothing but a test kan? Try masa hari peperiksaan, masuk dewan peperiksaan tanpa ada kertas periksa/kertas soalan, tak ke pelik? So maybe we freak out kadang-kadang tu when we are being thrown at problems after problems yang we saw no way out and it seemed never-ending. Need not to worry as everyone is facing the same challenges as you are facing, cuma lain-lain cara and bentuk je.
Allah cakap in His love letters, "yang menjadikan hidup dan mati untuk mengetest sapa di antara kamu yang terbaik amalannya."
Tell you what, I used to think that, masa kecik-kecik la, "why laaa this problem is happening to me?" Kan best jadi that guy, or jadi orang yg besar, tengok happy je, takde masalah pun. It's really a matter of faith in my opinion. In the end it's a question of how strong is your faith, your penggantungan dekat Allah.
Past is past and we have no chance whatsoever to change it. Orang kata, "semalam itu benda yang paling jauh dari kita, walaupun ianya semalam." Now what matters are what do we do with it.
Seorang pendosa yang hebat, yang berbuat banyak maksiat, peluangnya sebenarnya sangat besar untuk ke syurga, ia cuma perlukan taubat yang hebat. Macam cerita lelaki yang bunuh 99 orang. (Kalau tak tau, google.)
We can always turn on new leaf, no matter how dirty it is, Allah can easily wipe it out, macam bila kita terlupa save lepas dah tulis panjang2, or dah type message panjang2, tak terhantar, or tertekan benda lain, zuppp padam semua, jadi kertas putih/blank page balik. (oh serius tension kan camtu? but in life ni, it's possible when Allah is with us.)
Now let's all start a new day, being aware that we are prone to making mistakes, but that's okay as long as we're aware of it, and let's all be humble knowing that we can never escape from sinning, and tiap tiap hari berdoa Allah ampunkan kita for when we sin, it's not Allah yang kita sakiti rather it's ourself.
Hint: Allah turun ke langit bumi tiap-tiap malam tahu tak? Masa sepertiga terakhir malam cari siapa yang mohon keampunanNya. Time-time orang tidur nyenyak, kita sacrifice sikit bangun and duduk atas tikar menghadap Dia dengan rasa penuh humble dan berdosa, kita mintak, "Ya Allah, sungguh aku dah menzalimi diriku ini, kalau Kau tak ampuni aku, pastilah aku tergolong golongan yang merugi."
Titis air satu dua (bakul). Biar ia jadi saksi penghalang api neraka dari membakar diri kita.
And that my friend, that's how you truly escape from your past. Wallahua'alam.
What we are today are pretty much what we did yesterday, what we will be tomorrow is what we're doing at this very moment. This resort to the fact that we are related to our past. Now, not everyone ada a good track record in their life, just take a look at our posts in Facebook and Twitter, and try classifying them to the two; one that can bring you closer to jannah, and one that does nothing (nothing meaning buang masa and buang masa is rugi and rugi is not safe from hellfire).
Some of us ada yang dulu pernah bercouple and we once are proud of it, not knowing how wrong it is (those yang tengah dalam couple ni maybe tak rasa yet) but the kegelisahan and keresahan yang kita lalui hari-hari tu (although we are happy when being with him/her, kadang-kadang, banyak masa bergaduh je) are kind of indications that we're not doing the right thing.
Allah said, "only in remembering Him that we attain peace." If we are doing things yang against His will, memang we'll never attain serenity in our life.
Kebahagiaan yang plastik? Yes of course, macam those people yg try to escape from their problems by drinking and clubbing, do they look happy enjoying themselves at that moment? Yes they certainly do, but berapa lama can it last, a night at most. Pagi esok tu they are filled, yet again, with bertubi-tubi masalah.
Or those yang go and watch movies at times of stresss. or shopping, or sleeping, terus menerus tidur sebab tak nak fikir masalah hidup dia. Diorang maybe tak perasan yang diorang tengah cuba escape from the problems or tests yang they are dealing with. People call it escapism. I call it, cuba menjadi pelarian.
Serius hidup ini memang akan penuh dengan masalah, of course it is, or else it wont be called life. Life is indeed nothing but a test kan? Try masa hari peperiksaan, masuk dewan peperiksaan tanpa ada kertas periksa/kertas soalan, tak ke pelik? So maybe we freak out kadang-kadang tu when we are being thrown at problems after problems yang we saw no way out and it seemed never-ending. Need not to worry as everyone is facing the same challenges as you are facing, cuma lain-lain cara and bentuk je.
Allah cakap in His love letters, "yang menjadikan hidup dan mati untuk mengetest sapa di antara kamu yang terbaik amalannya."
Tell you what, I used to think that, masa kecik-kecik la, "why laaa this problem is happening to me?" Kan best jadi that guy, or jadi orang yg besar, tengok happy je, takde masalah pun. It's really a matter of faith in my opinion. In the end it's a question of how strong is your faith, your penggantungan dekat Allah.
Past is past and we have no chance whatsoever to change it. Orang kata, "semalam itu benda yang paling jauh dari kita, walaupun ianya semalam." Now what matters are what do we do with it.
Seorang pendosa yang hebat, yang berbuat banyak maksiat, peluangnya sebenarnya sangat besar untuk ke syurga, ia cuma perlukan taubat yang hebat. Macam cerita lelaki yang bunuh 99 orang. (Kalau tak tau, google.)
We can always turn on new leaf, no matter how dirty it is, Allah can easily wipe it out, macam bila kita terlupa save lepas dah tulis panjang2, or dah type message panjang2, tak terhantar, or tertekan benda lain, zuppp padam semua, jadi kertas putih/blank page balik. (oh serius tension kan camtu? but in life ni, it's possible when Allah is with us.)
Now let's all start a new day, being aware that we are prone to making mistakes, but that's okay as long as we're aware of it, and let's all be humble knowing that we can never escape from sinning, and tiap tiap hari berdoa Allah ampunkan kita for when we sin, it's not Allah yang kita sakiti rather it's ourself.
Hint: Allah turun ke langit bumi tiap-tiap malam tahu tak? Masa sepertiga terakhir malam cari siapa yang mohon keampunanNya. Time-time orang tidur nyenyak, kita sacrifice sikit bangun and duduk atas tikar menghadap Dia dengan rasa penuh humble dan berdosa, kita mintak, "Ya Allah, sungguh aku dah menzalimi diriku ini, kalau Kau tak ampuni aku, pastilah aku tergolong golongan yang merugi."
Titis air satu dua (bakul). Biar ia jadi saksi penghalang api neraka dari membakar diri kita.
And that my friend, that's how you truly escape from your past. Wallahua'alam.